LyricWiki shows the lyrics of the song you are listenning. It can be synced to foobar2000, Winamp, Windows Media Player and musikCube.
LyricWiki was made to be as simple as possible. All the options are available by doing a right-click in the main window.
To synchronise with an audiopalyer, just select it in the menu players. It is compatible with Winamp, foobar2000, musikCube, and Windows Media Player. For title detection to work, you need to make sure that Artist and Title tags are correct or that the name of the file is as follows: artist - title[ - other].ext. LyricWiki only detects tags before and after the first " - " and is not case sensitive. So, Artist - Title et Artist - Title - Live will have the same result, just like Artiste - Title and artist - title.